10 Alternative ways to keep active in old age

Everybody knows exercising is essential to maintaining a healthy body and mind in older age, but if hitting the gym isn’t for you, why not try one (or more) of our top 10 alternative and fun ways to keep active? 

Make a splash at aqua aerobics 

Swimming is brilliant for those in later life as it’s such a gentle yet effective exercise. If you love the water but swimming up and down up and down just isn’t for you, join an aqua aerobics class. You’ll get all the benefits of the water but in a new and exciting way. 

Strap on your dancing shoes 

It’s never too late to learn something new so if you’ve always fancied learning to Tango or Waltz, why not join a local dance class? Not only will it give your whole body a workout but it will be mentally stimulating too (after all, there’s a lot of steps to memorise!). 

Give Robin Hood a run for his money with archery 

Give archery a try for an activity that's totally different and you can do it with the whole family. It’s a great way to get some exercise while in the fresh air and it will help improve your hand-eye coordination. 

Bend it like Beckham at walking football

Competitive, fast(ish) paced and lots of fun, walking football was invented to give older people who love the beautiful game the chance to play. It’s a great way to meet new people, debate whose team is best and get in some exercise. 

Join the ultimate dance party at Zumba

Bringing together Latin-inspired dance moves and music with traditional aerobic exercises, Zuma gets you fit without you even realising you’re exercising! Classes are aimed at different levels so don’t worry if you’re a complete beginner, just join a starter class and you’ll soon be boogying your way to better health.

Find your zen with a yoga class

Combining exercise with mindfulness, yoga improves body strength, muscle tone and flexibility while teaching you breathing techniques, calmness and tranquillity. It’s a particularly popular exercise for seniors which means there are lots of dedicated classes aimed at those in their golden years. 

Relax with gentle tai chi movements 

While it was originally developed for self-defence, tai-chi has evolved into the gentle exercise routine we know and love today. Tai-chi promotes serenity and calmness through gentle, flowing movements and is excellent for improving strength and balance and reducing stress. 

Box your heart out 

Boxing mixes strength, precision and strategy and no matter your age, is a fun and effective work out for your body and mind. If you think you’re too old, just remember Bob Reaburn from Sheffield. He is 70 years old, has Parkinson’s, and still throws a mean right hook. 

Get on your bike 

For a gentle, low impact sport, you can’t get much better than bike riding. Regular cycling can help slow down the process of ageing, strengthens your heart, improves muscle tone and lowers cholesterol levels, among many other great benefits. And riding a bike is great fun (especially if you pack a picnic).

Walking, but not as you know it

Nordic walking isn’t like regular walking. It involves using specially designed poles that harness the power of your upper body to propel you forwards, helping you burn up to 46% more calories than usual. Not only is it great for your body, but Nordic walking is good for the mind too as it gets you out in nature and socialising with other likeminded individuals. 

Primrose Lodge Weymouth is a cheerful residential care home nestled on the South coast of England. Our exceptional levels of care include a range of different activities, exercises and events to ensure all our residents stay happy and healthy in both body and mind. To learn more about our Weymouth care home, get in touch with the team on 01305 786568 today. 
